Tag Archives: Autoimmune

Gluten Free Diet Journey

Gluten free, Paleo, It Starts with Food, Eating Raw, Vegan, Vegetarian, these are just a few books and programs to “fix”  what ails you.  And I’ve tried many of them, but I’m not giving up on trying what will give me energy, fabulous hair and skin and a way to easily maintain or lose weight without starving myself.

I have to admit that over the summer I have gone right back to my gluten habits.  Although, I still eat pretty clean and my calories never go over 1500 calories (1100-1500), Gluten can wreak havoc in a body that has autoimmune disease.  For me, gluten-free keeps me healthy.  Since I have re-introduced gluten in my diet, I have been sick at least twice.

Since I am blogging my journey, so that others may benefit from my successes and failures, I wanted to honestly blog my failures and symptoms from them.  As I mentioned previously, my calorie intake is right where it should be for maintenance or even weight loss, but since the re-introduction of Gluten, I have been unable to maintain my weight, feel sluggish, have low energy, brain fog, and have been sick with congestion and bronchitis.

My next chapter is going Gluten Free again, but I am also going to try a program that a friend with auto-immune disease suggested.  The book is The Virgin Diet.  The Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin, starts out with an elimination Diet for 21 days as follows:


  • Soy
  • Eggs
  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Peanuts
  • Corn
  • Sugar and Sugar Substitutes


The Elimination Diet is nothing new, but it will be new to me. Basically it calls for eliminating foods that typically cause an allergic  or adverse reactions. Here are some of the reactions to foods that can cause intolerance.

Adverse Reactions to Food Intolerance

  • Joint Pain
  • Congestion
  • Acne
  • Sleep Issues
  • Bowel Problems (diarrhea/constipation)
  • Headaches
  • Weight Gain
  • Low Energy
  • etc.


Yes, I have tried different books, diets programs etc.  I’m hoping my journey, helps you in yours.  All seem to say the same thing and there is a common thread that runs through them , especially when it comes to autoimmune disease.  So I am really not trying anything completely different.  I would say the only thing that I am adding is the 21 day Elimination Diet to know once and for all if I am allergic or have a sensitivity to certain foods.

After the 21 Day Elimination

  • Slowly add each food back in
  • If you have any adverse reactions or symptoms eliminate them
  • If you don’t have adverse reactions continue to eat them


I will blog my next 21 days, please follow me as I enter this new journey.



These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before taking any medication or health supplements.

I encourage you to always research before you buy supplement or attempt to treat any illness.  Always consult your healthcare practitioner.

*This site contains affiliate links.  That means that when you click on a link and make a purchase, I may make a commission.  However, the amount that you pay will not change.





Gluten-free to Paleo to Whole 30 Journey

I promised that I would share my Paleo journey.  In previous posts I mentioned that due to my autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, I  am going gluten-free.  The research is here if you want to read my post.

Gluten-free is definitely a challenge for this Italian girl. When I started out a few months ago, I decided to go “gluten-free”: first.  I immediately noticed a difference in that I saw less bloating.  I had no idea that I had gluten-sensitivity .  Remember I was doing this because of the research I found regarding auto-immune disease and gluten.  Going gluten -free was not as difficult as I thought.  There are many gluten-free products out there and as a matter of fact I fell into the “gluten -free snack trap”.   I began to eat foods that I don’t normally eat just because now it said , “gluten-free”.

My next phase was to follow the  Paleo plan.  The Paleo plan is here if you want to read about it.  On this plan, I began to eliminate all grains. This is NOT the Atkins plan. This is a lifestyle that also includes fruits and veggies.  Once again, I continued to feel better.  My goal was not to lose weight, but to improve my health.  As my body began to heal, some of the bloat and weight came off without trying.

My third and final phase was to join the “Whole 30″ craze. ” Whole 30″ is considered ‘ Paleo on steroids’.  You can read about it here. During this phase I took out all sweeteners which includes, agave and stevia.  I have heard many positive testimonials regarding the Whole 30 and decided, I will try this next.  Again, I am doing this because of my autoimmune disease.

Below you will find my results from going gluten-free.  The blood test, C-Reactive Protein measures “the amount of a protein called C-reactive protein in your blood.  C-reactive protein measures general levels of inflammation in your body. High levels of CRP are caused by infections and many long-term diseases. But a CRP test cannot show where the inflammation is located or what is causing it. Other tests are needed to find the cause and location of the inflammation.” (WebMd)

Results from going completely Gluten-free:

Less Bloating

Weight Loss

Inflammation decreased

C-Reactive Protein lowest it’s been in 6 years



I will continue to update you as I go through the Whole 30. I am not a doctor.  Always consult your doctor when changing diet or exercise program.