Category Archives: Nutrition

The Truth Behind Artificial Sweeteners

Photo by mali maeder from Pexels

You probably know that I’m not a fan of artificial sweeteners. I’d much rather you reduce your sugar intake naturally (because that’s not exactly a health food either).

And that can mean a long process of slowly adjusting your taste buds to less and less added sugar.

Artificial sweeteners just don’t seem to be the great weight-loss promoters they had hoped to be.

Want to know more?  Or, if you just want to skip right down to the “sweet enough” latte recipe, you can do that too.

Continue reading The Truth Behind Artificial Sweeteners

Five Weight-Loss Friendly Snacks You Will Love


If you’ve been avoiding snacks because you’re worried they may cause weight gain, I have a bunch of great “weight-loss friendly” snack ideas for you.

Ideas that can easily become “grab-and-go” options and are not only healthy but delicious.

And, as usual, I’ve included a bunch of tips to help you get more of them, and a recipe for a great dip (in case you’re the “dipping” kind).

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How to Read the New Nutrition Facts Tables

Do you ever look at the Nutrition Facts tables? Do they help you decide
which foods to buy or not? Do the numbers even make sense?

To be honest, I don’t think it’s that the most user-friendly or helpful
tool. But it’s good to understand it since it’s here to stay.

Let me give you a super-quick crash course on reading the Nutrition
Facts tables, and give you a few hints on the new changes coming soon.

Then, try my delicious and super-easy snack recipe that’ll blow your pre-packaged granola bars out of the water.

Continue reading How to Read the New Nutrition Facts Tables

How to Improve Gut Health

Do you believe your overall health is based on your gut health? What about allergies, pain, and moods – are they related to gut health?

You probably guessed the answer is a resounding “yes!” The health of your gut affects everything else in your body.

Your gut health is based on the integrity of its parts; and, also on the health of the friendly gut microbes that live there.

And, there are a lot of different ways to improve your gut health naturally. Let me give you some of my best tips for your overall gut health.

And, I’ll throw in a delicious recipe too (of course!).
