21 -Day Elimination Diet Complete
21 -Day Elimination Diet Complete

21 -Day Elimination Diet Complete

So I have completed my 21 -day elimination Diet. To read my last blog regarding the 21 Day elimination diet click here. Remember that the elimination diet excluded these foods:

Foods to Exclude

  • soy
  • peanuts
  • gluten
  • corn
  • sugar/sugar substitutes
  • dairy
  • eggs

I was successful, in that I did not deviate from the plan.  I think some sugar slipped into a few items that I purchased, but other than that, I was extremely strict.  Only after 14 days did I experience positive results and here were some:


  • better digestion
  • no congestion
  • better sleep
  • more energy
  • decreased bloating

What did NOT happen:

  • did not lose weight

The shakes I used were the ingredients that J.J. Virgin suggested and it was a pea protein shake Vega All in One Nutritional Shake- Chocolate J.J. Virgin also has her own shakes that I have not tried yet, but you can get them here.

Was the Diet a Success?

If I were to measure success by weight loss then almost every program I’ve been has been an unsuccessful one.  But if I measure success by taking control of Hashimotos thyroiditis and using my body as if it’s a healthy lab  so that I am the healthiest person I can be, then this has been a success.

My next step is to slowly add back items that I eliminated.  JJ Virgin suggests to add a food each week for 3 days and eliminate it the  rest of the week to see if you experience any food intolerance symptoms.

Next Cycle

Week 1 – Test Soy

Week 2- Test Gluten

Week 3- Test Eggs

Week 4- Test Dairy

For Corn, Sugar/Sugar Substitute and Peanuts, J.J. Virgin says to avoid these foods 95% of the time .


Last night I had barbecue, I knew that it had sugar but unfortunately did not read the label on the barbecue sauce.  this morning I woke up extremely congested, with a stomach ache.  I discovered that not only did the sauce contain sugar (which I’m not sensitive to) but it contained gluten, corn and soy.  This is the reason for adding 1 ingredient at a time.  So I will once again eliminate all ingredients for the remainder of the week and start testing the following week.

To learn more about the Virgin Diet by JJ Virgin, please go to Virgin Diet.



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I encourage you to always research before you buy supplement or attempt to treat any illness.  Always consult your healthcare practitioner.

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