Category Archives: Nutrition

Three Must Eat Breakfast Foods

Are you a breakfast eater?  Or dare I ask are you a “healthy” breakfast eater? 

Maybe you need some inspiration for a few great breakfast foods.  Maybe you don’t have time and you need some healthy ideas for “grab and go” mornings – who doesn’t ever run short on time in the mornings?

Maybe you’re ready to ditch the “desserts” that are marketed as being “part of a complete breakfast”.

Don’t worry, I have you covered!

Click below to read the full post with three must eat breakfast foods and a yummy recipe too!

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Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh

It can be too easy to think (or worry) about your weight.

But you know what?  There is something else that may be more important when it comes to real health.  That is your waist circumference.

Ahh, just a minute!  It’s not just about the “pinchable” fat under the skin (you know, that “muffin top”), it’s about the internal fat around your abdominal organs that can be the real issue.

That internal fat (AKA “visceral fat”) is known to release a bunch of hormones and inflammatory compounds that can mess with your blood sugar, blood fats (i.e triglycerides), and blood pressure.

In today’s post I’ll describe how to measure your waist circumference and then give you a bunch of actionable tips to help you reduce it.  And (of course) there’s a super-nutritious recipe at the end.

Continue reading Why Your Waist Circumference Matters 100x More Than What You Weigh

Five Cholesterol Myths and What to Eat Instead

Are you just about done with everyone’s “obsession” with cholesterol?  Do you already know that cholesterol is not all bad, in fact there is “good” cholesterol?

Well, here it is.  Let me bust some common cholesterol myths right now starting with the myth that “cholesterol is cholesterol” because it’s not.  Depending on which of its buddies cholesterol is floating through your blood with makes a massive difference.  Not to mention the fact that cholesterol is essential to good health.  (Yes, you read that right!).

After I bust those myths I’ll give you the goods on what healthy lifestyle choices you can make to increase that “good” cholesterol (because medicines don’t seem to be able to do that but I will tell you what can!).

And I’ll leave you with a delicious recipe that you can use to get more veggies into your day!

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Bye Bye Sleeping Through the Night

Oh,that elusive sleep.  That time to relax and regenerate.  To heal and repair. 

If you need that coffee or two (or three) every morning you may get some very useful tips in this post.

Sleep isn’t just important for your mind and body to have energy and be alert.  Lack of sleep can contribute to serious health issues which you don’t want.So let me have your attention for this “tip-filled” post on the importance of sleep and how you can get your fair share.  I’ll even throw in an amazing caffeine-free latte recipe for your afternoon “pick me up.

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