Blog Walk the Distance challenge/ join anytime Deborah December 6, 2021 August 29, 2022 WALK THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL: IT’S FOR EVERYONEFor people who want a fun way to get fit and healthyFor people who strive to live an active lifestyle that’sboth fun and challengingFor competitive people who want to challenge theirfriends, family or colleaguesFor people who want to virtually experience thebeauty of The Appalachian Trail.Experience the Beauty of the Trail with virtual sign posts, scenic points and trail volunteer information. Better Health and Fitness with Motivation from the Aspire Team What you get for $49.99 (member pricing) 2200 Miles and 19 Sections- Virtual starting point-   Georgia- Section 1Cute hat and Velcro patch for your virtual starting point in Georgia- Section 1Earn as many patches for every 2 sections (starting at Section 2 in North Carolina) completed within 3 months from your start dateApp fee for entire Appalachian Trail Buy Now-Walk the Distance Member Buy Now-Walk the Distance Non Member Members of Aspire Pilates and Fitness Studio or Online Studio $49.99 *  ** Non-Members $59.99 * *Sign up by December 15th and you get a free American Flag patch **After December 28th, Price increases to $59.99 Starting Monday, January 6th, but your start date and begin when you are ready! Please leave this field empty Don’t miss these tips! We don’t spam! Read our [link]privacy policy[/link] for more info. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Share this:PinterestFacebookTwitterEmailLike this:Like Loading...
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