Gluten-free to Paleo to Whole 30 Journey
Gluten-free to Paleo to Whole 30 Journey

Gluten-free to Paleo to Whole 30 Journey

I promised that I would share my Paleo journey.  In previous posts I mentioned that due to my autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, I  am going gluten-free.  The research is here if you want to read my post.

Gluten-free is definitely a challenge for this Italian girl. When I started out a few months ago, I decided to go “gluten-free”: first.  I immediately noticed a difference in that I saw less bloating.  I had no idea that I had gluten-sensitivity .  Remember I was doing this because of the research I found regarding auto-immune disease and gluten.  Going gluten -free was not as difficult as I thought.  There are many gluten-free products out there and as a matter of fact I fell into the “gluten -free snack trap”.   I began to eat foods that I don’t normally eat just because now it said , “gluten-free”.

My next phase was to follow the  Paleo plan.  The Paleo plan is here if you want to read about it.  On this plan, I began to eliminate all grains. This is NOT the Atkins plan. This is a lifestyle that also includes fruits and veggies.  Once again, I continued to feel better.  My goal was not to lose weight, but to improve my health.  As my body began to heal, some of the bloat and weight came off without trying.

My third and final phase was to join the “Whole 30″ craze. ” Whole 30″ is considered ‘ Paleo on steroids’.  You can read about it here. During this phase I took out all sweeteners which includes, agave and stevia.  I have heard many positive testimonials regarding the Whole 30 and decided, I will try this next.  Again, I am doing this because of my autoimmune disease.

Below you will find my results from going gluten-free.  The blood test, C-Reactive Protein measures “the amount of a protein called C-reactive protein in your blood.  C-reactive protein measures general levels of inflammation in your body. High levels of CRP are caused by infections and many long-term diseases. But a CRP test cannot show where the inflammation is located or what is causing it. Other tests are needed to find the cause and location of the inflammation.” (WebMd)

Results from going completely Gluten-free:

Less Bloating

Weight Loss

Inflammation decreased

C-Reactive Protein lowest it’s been in 6 years



I will continue to update you as I go through the Whole 30. I am not a doctor.  Always consult your doctor when changing diet or exercise program.


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